Wednesday, October 8

Baby Bluess...

Since I am start to understand the word call pregnancy...I become paranoid. Before I have any chances to ask pregnant woman how they feel during the pregnancy period, I was often left wondering and make my own assumption..(even till now I have my own assumption about pregnancy...that's because I have never been pregnant)....So today, one of my colleague, she just got back from her 3 months long "cuti hamil" (post-baby delivery holiday???!!!!), and start to observe her quietly...and keep telling myself----see whatever i said about ladies after their pregnancy period usually changes...especially their body posture. i grow older...some of my good friends who got married and start having babies finally give me the chance to start asking a lot of questions on pregnancy.

  • How they feel when suddenly there is this big round thing in your stomach growing larger each day...

  • How do you sleep every night when you stomach is so biggg? Can you actually turn around and sleep sideways?

  • Do you feel heavier until you feel that you are out breath? Coz when my waistline is expanding...i can feel it especially when seating down...usually i will feel choked...that's why i have to maintain a flat tummy

  • How do you know you are ready to deliver ur baby? Usually, the movies and dramas will show the pregnant lady will scream like this..."Saya keluar air banyak...tolonggg..!!!" What water is that? How do you know that's not ur nature calling but it's another type of water coming out from you?

  • Why do you crave so badly? Some of my friends told me that if they are craving for some food, they make sure their husbands will get it for them, otherwise this can affect their mood....which will usually affect the baby..(really??!! or cuma sekedar alesan hehehehe)

  • What happen during delivery? ( most of them only told me...Gila sakit bgtt...sengsara deh....apalagi pas mau keluarin baby nya..) So till today i assumed delivering is the most painful process that a woman has to go through...they said the feeling of pain is unbearable that you feel like slapping you husband face coz they don't have to go through them...hahahahaha...

  • For myself...i think the worst part is after delivery....where our body naturally changes..You get your flabby tummy...cellulite....ur tight...waistline...hands...all grew..and then you will feel that you are the largest woman in the world

  • There is this chinese tradition you have to follow after delivering you baby...No hairwashing, no going out, no cold food (like ice cream), no seafood, FOR A MONTH...Forget it..I don't think i can do that....

So..right now, my lovely sis-in-law is entering her 33 weeks old pregnancy period....i still wonder if she is suffering or enjoying ( of course i pray that she is enjoying it...) and what is going to happen after the 9months ??'s not easy to become a good mother (I even complained alot about my mom, even though till today i still think she is the best mom afterall) ....

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