Tuesday, December 30


One of the most memorable trip this time is meeting my good friend - Pretycia. We have not meet each other for almost 6 years!!! terakhir kali ketemu prety pas mau transfer dari DVC ke UIUC.
Waktu ketemu dia di Bugis Junction, padahal udah jam 11 malam lho...sebenarnya gua capek bgt hari itu karena seharian ada acara Erin (1 month old partY)....tapi the thought of meeting her...buat gua semangat bgt...pas ketemu we hug each other and bener2 seneng bgt. Prety brought her youngest sister along....Oh yah setelah nongkrong di Starbuck kita langsung cabut ke Leang Seah Street makan Hongkong Dessert..
We talked alot mostly updating each other with our life, work, relationships, friends and family....yang pasti we both missed the days in DVC....
Alot of things has changed setelah kita semua bubar dari DVC...yah but of course changed for the better dong ^__^....
Actually we still have more to talk tapi karena suda lewat jam 12 malam...and the dessert shop is closing down..kepaksa kita bubar..... Of course we need to do this more again yah Prety
See you around

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