Friday, February 27

Surprise ^_____^

Today Junie called me up..and told me that I got an offer for a modelling photo shoot. And I said YES... Yah gini lah akibat terlalu boring kerja di kantor...any interesting offer out there langsung gua oke aja...well anyway I am doing it for fun and dipikir-pikir kalo masi di tawarin why not?? right? Daripada nanti uda tua kesempatan tidak datang dua kali lhoo and also from these kind of activities i got to know more new people and expose to more things...Soalnya gua berasa I am living in a very protected environment. I am not expose to too much situation selain corporate matters. And I feel that I still need more rooms to grow up..biar gua ngk berpikiran terlalu polos juga ^_____^
Oh yah...kalo uda hari jumaat...sering dapat sms dari teman2...terutama teman2 yang kerja di Bank..mereka selalu bilang.."'s friday besok weekend nih...bisa tidur siangan..." and gua akan selalu jawab.."yea..weekend for you not for me...lupa ya?? gua kerja setengah hari..bahkan kadang sampe seharian??"
heheheh jadi sensitive deh kalo uda bahas masalah liburan..jata libur gua selalu dikit bgt..kecuali memang tanggal merah. Tapi kalo cuti gua suka hangus karena jarang di ambil. I am such a workaholic
This week alot of things happen....ambil sisi positive nya buat gua adalah Juliana Needs to think serioulsy about her future plan.


Ace said...

Kyaaaa... Very surprising news.. wekekeke.. My best friend will become a model.. Cenengggggggggnyaaaa.. But Cen bener loh.. You got the model look.. Nanti kita dampingin Cen photo2 yah.. Jia youuuuuuuuuu.. Tell me more story about this yah.. wekekekek..

PrinCess JuJuL said...

Hehehehehe...eiiii pleaseeee's just for fun...not because i got any model look.. I DON'T....anyway it's purely for fun doang.. cuman it is something out of the box ...jadi gua berasa happy karena gua jadi ngk bosen ama kerjaan gua doang...

Ace said...

No Cen..
Temen gw liat photo loe, terus dia bilang begitu. Baru tadi siang dibahas. Makanya kaget juga tiba2 baca blog loe. wakaka..

Yah Ce, something out of the box must be fun. Bosen jg kan kalo gitu2 terus. Kayak loe bilang semalem la, bikin something diff, bisa ada pengalaman baru buat kita.

vicky said...

are you going to share pix with us?? (=

PrinCess JuJuL said...

Hi Vicky... ^____^ I will if they allowed me to publish the picture.

Anonymous said...

Thought you gonna pass that offer to me??!!! HAHA.. Kidding.
Yeah!! THink of future plan cuz! Like wat u said, how come you're feeling older and older. That's a sign!