Monday, May 11

What's for Breakfast

Macaroni Schotel - Chicken
Cheese Brownies

Lapis Philipine

Another Bite of Macaroni Schotel

And my fav of all....White Fungus soup...

Argghhhh....napa weekend cepet bgt???!!! Well everyone has a common understanding that weekend is never enough, unless you are the BOS. (heheheheh kata alvin BOS - Bekas Orang Sinting) Hahahahahaha
Pagi2 tadi pas breakfast baru sadar, kue yang di bawaiin dari Bandung...sisah setengah. Memang ini orang2 di rumah suka bgt makan kue yah...kalo gua kurang suka kue2 tp itu makaroni schotel ayam nya enakkkkk bgtt...but i didn't manage to have the whole bite coz i was too full.
Personally i think breakfast is the most important meal of the least for me...I can't leave the house without eating breakfast...coz before noon, i would go blur...ngk bisa mikir. But i can go and sleep without having my dinner, that is why..kadang kalo seharian uda beteee bgt...paling enak pulang, minum hot cocoa..and go to sleep...belaga cuek dengan segala masalah yang suda terjadi hari ini hehehehehehe well sebenarnya ngk bisa bobo juga kalo masalah nya belum kelar...huhh apalagi kalo masalah besar yang menyangkut orang lain...
This morning, while eating breakfast, my parents were telling me alot of stories about my other family members...ehmm dipikir-pikir...i am so blessed to have my parents yang selalu mengajar kita untuk menjadi orang sederhana mungkin, jangan menjadi orang yang rakus dengan kekayaan..yang penting u live enough and Happy and always learn to be satisfied. N this is how i feel know...

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