Monday, June 30

What's wrong with these Rich People???!!!!

India-born US millionaire gets 11 years for abuse of Indonesian maids.
Uda baca berita mengenai pembantu di siksa ama boss nya pas kerja di Amrik?? I can't imagine that these kind of modern day slavery does happens.
The victims testified that they were beaten with brooms and umbrellas, slashed with knives, and forced to climb stairs and take freezing showers as punishment. One victim was forced to eat dozens of chilli peppers against her will, and then was
forced to eat her own vomit when she couldn't keep the peppers down, prosecutors said, The Daily News reported.
What on earth does this crazy millionaire is thinking??!! Yah hukuman yang diberikan kepadanya 11 tahun moga2 cukup untuk dia sadar dengan perbuatan dia sendiri. Bener2 yah kok orang kaya tapi EQ nya sangat rendah. Seriously, this kind of news get on my nerves. Coz first of all, human being are not supposed to be treated like that by other human being. The only person that has the right to punish people is God Himself. Second of all, Rich People have no manners at all. So what if you have so much money, your actions just show that u are really uneducated. That's why i really hate when I have to face people with bad attitude. No tolerance for those at all. And the other thing that I can't stand is when those bosses scold their maids "goblok" or "tidak punya otak".."Otak babi".....
Itu kata-kata yang sangat kasar menurut gua. Makanya kadang kalo nyokap gua udah mulai ngoceh ama pembantu, i rather go out from the house. Sebenarnya pembantu itu juga manusia yang punya perasaan. Hey we are once a person who knows nothing. Kita bisa jadi pintar bisa ngerti how things work around the house is thru learning. Same goes to these people who work for us as housekeepers. Asal di ajarin, well sekali memang kadang tidak cukup yah gimana mereka tuh punya pikiran sangat simple, makanya harus pelan2 di kasih tau. Memang benar kadang ada yang pembantu agak kurang ajar, or doing some extreme things which eventually make the bosses angry, yah menurut gua kalo sudah tidak tahan ngk usah lah sampe di pukul2 or abuse verbally. Just change and get a new one.
Aneh yah...kalo dapat nya yang EQ and IQ rendah, boss marah2 katanya capek ajarin pembantu ngk ngerti2...nanti dapat yang pintar, malah bener2 kepintaran....susah juga sih...kok gua jadi bingung >__<


Anonymous said...

Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

- Johnson

Anonymous said...

Let's talk, to me is what to tell on this question.

Anonymous said...

I will know, many thanks for an explanation.

Anonymous said...

Just got downloaded an MKV. The full file name of the MKV is:

I've now converted it into an AVI using the program, AllToAvi.
Thing is, there's no sound with the resulting AVI. (The AVI's audio properties are:

Cyberlink Mpeg 1 Layer 3.

I've also converted it into a DVD, using VSO ConvertX to DVD, and from the video files in DVD Shrink, I can see the Audio is "AC3 2-Ch unspecified", but no sound when I play the movie with DVD Shrink on my PC.

Have I got audio from this movie, and, if so, why no audio playback? Do I need to download some kind of codec to play this movie on my PC?

Anonymous said...

The authoritative answer, funny...