Friday, October 8

It's not a single scoop anymore but double

Feeling a bit I am laying down on my single bed knowing this would be my last night sleeping in this bed as not married yet girl. The next time I come back here, I am someone's else's like my whole life is going to change. Well my sister in law has not been able to sleep as she feels so excited and nervous about me getting married. Coz it remind of her when she has to move from Surabaya to Jakarta. It's not easy she do u feel when u have to leave your old life and step into a new phase .....fas for me, I feel excited and clueless...only hoping that for the next 90 years , it's going to be an adventures yet happy life.

Dear God, please bless my new family with joy, happiness and good health. Please always remind me my duty as a loving wife and a caring mother. As for other matter,let things takes it's nature course. Amin

1 comment:

vicky said...

"nothing worth having is ever easy..." - Bob Kelso, Scrubs

it was weird to share something so personal (a bed) with someone else when i got married! but its okay... its like having a living stuffed animal with you. (= enjoy this time... and even when things get mundane too.