Thursday, October 14

My Nomadic Life

11 Oct 2010 : Hyatt Bandung move to Aston Braga
12 Oct 2010 : Bandung - Jakarta
13 Oct 2010 : Jakarta - Bandung
15 Oct 2010: Bandung - Jakarta
17 Oct 2010: Jakarta - Bandung
20 Oct 2010: Bandung - Jakarta

and..the list of Bandung - Jakarta - Bandung will keep going mom has given me a new nick : Tugas Jasa Marga...
Anyway...I am married now, and I miss my old home a lot. Even though I am still going back to jakarta often, but the feeling is so different now. And surprisingly, the person who miss me most is my mom..Since Monday, she has been texting me...updating on her activities..sigh..actually since young I am closest to my mom most even though we argue most too hahaha ironic but it's true. When I was studying abroad, she would call me everyday for the whole week just to share her stories with me. When we start staying under one roof, we are so close that we often argue over minor things. And now we are separated agai, she feels like last time again..
And for the record, she kept crying on my wedding day.. the whole day :(

1 comment:

Cen2 (YH Yao) said...

Hi, Jul

I hope everything is settling down a bit better now. I fully understand how you feel because I had to move from Bandung to Sydney when I got married. Although I stayed in Sydney for a long time already before I got married & I was expecting my mum got used to the life without me in Bandung.... it was still hard on wedding day. So, please comfort your mum as she is going through a stage have to get used to the fact that you are married now. Also, for yourself, it's not easy to leave single life & build new life as a married women. To me, it took times to get used to. I suggest to make it becomes easier, try to always think positive and move forward to the future. At least for you is only between Bdg & Jkt and the distance is only about 2 - 3 hours drive from one place to the other. :) Imagine like me.... I can't always go back even if I want to.

From my experiences, I think when you & Ming are getting used to the life as a married couple... please enjoy it as much as you can. If you can don't have baby yet within 2 years time. I know the lifestyle in Bdg probably would expect you to have one straight away but if it is possible, discuss it with Ming to see when both of you want to have baby. Believe me, once you have baby, it's a different world again altogether. You won't have much time with Ming as a couple anymore. So, while you can... please enjoy it first. (^_^)v