Friday, January 7

No Food or Drink please

People said it is a joy to get pregnant. Well, I am going to disagree for this moment, well at least for the first trimester ( i hope it's going to be only the first three month). My day usually start with a very bad morning sickness, usually right after i ate my folic acid. I will throw up my first water of the day. Well I don't mind throwing up, coz only after that, I can really sit down and eat, otherwise it is so difficult to choke down a piece of bread.

If the day start bad, it usually means the whole day will be very bad. The good thing this nauseous takes place in alternate day. So if today is going to be bad, it means tomorrow is going to be a good day :)

Not only I cannot eat, I can't even stand the sight of food, the smell of food, smell of cooking and I can't even watch any cooking show.

This is getting so frustrated, I just wish to get my appetite back. God please help me!!!

1 comment:

vicky said...

just another month or so more until you can start "eating" again!! hang in there...