Monday, May 23

I am a snail..

I feel like a snail. Constantly on the move to a new place.

We have settled down in Bandung...finally (last week)...even though there are still some minor work to be done. My nursery is totally 0% not done yet, and is not because of me who are not making any progress...I have started the nursery project 2 months earlier...but as I expected, people here work too slow. They promised you 2 weeks and it turn out to be a month or more.

(A lesson to learn : never custom made things that are ready to be deliver)

Currently, our office is also undergoing major renovation, and we are forced to move to the new site by next week. Sigh...and by end of this year, our house in Karawaci will be done..and we have to move again from my parents current house.

Baby is coming along soon too. I am in my 3rd trimester..the last stage of the motherhood soon to be marathon!!!

However, I am counted to be very lucky. My sister-in-law is helping me on the nursery best friend is helping to do some baby shopping mom is helping me on the karawaci house...and my mother in law is helping me to settle in Bandung too...extra help is always appreciated :)

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