Saturday, July 26

Currently Reading this...

The reason why i pick out this book from TIME bookstore is fulfill my curiosity for Aung San Suu Kyi courages and noble act to her homeland...a country who did not accept her at all, tapi napa dia masih tetap berkorban? She has been held hostage by the Burmese Govt since 1990. Actually she was a given a choice that if she decided to go back to UK, she is not allowed to enter Burma ever again. Yang paling kasian pas tahun 1999, Suu Kyi's husband was dying from cancer, the Burmese govt denied visa entry for her husband...and ended up he died without seeing her for the last time.
I admire her nobility and everything about her...dia mungkin seperti Mother Theresa, yang mau berkorban dirinya untuk orang lain. I wonder if I can do that, as i always think that human nature is being selfish and egoistic.

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