Friday, August 29

Nyamuk and my skin

There is alot of mosquit bite on my leg...and I can't scartched it coz it will hur my skin...mami gua kalo liat gua mulai garuk2 uda marah2 ...katanya sebaga cewek harus jaga kulit...sometimes the mosquito bite really itched me that i don't really care the scar that will result from the scratched...
These mosquito bites have been caused due to the fact i have been hanging outdoor too much...seperti weekend gua pasti ada di benton junction hanging out at the cafes...
Kemarin malam nyokap gua ngocehin lagi katanya gua ngk jaga kulit gua dengan baik...terutama selain kena nyamuk pasti digaruk ama gua...dan juga gua ngk takut ama sinar matahari..ngk tau kenapa..i am not afraid of getting my skin tanned...maybe because i am blessed with the fact gua ngk bakal bisa matter how much sunlight i get..yang ada gua kulit nya jadi merah terus pelan2 jadi belang ...and after that balik ke normal lagi...
Nyokap bilang sekarang mungkin ngk nanti uda tua baru kerasa deh...well...if she insisted that..i guess i have to start to learn to take care of myself more(which i hate most)..and untung bgt muka gua selama ini tidak pernah kena masalah jerawat, berminyak or too dry...justru berbalik nya...kalo muka gua di taruh macem2 ...bisa jadi rusak...sekarang modal untuk jaga kulit gua sangat murah dan praktis...just a normal face soap, moisturizer to get my face clean every night...and kebiasaan untuk minum air putih...
Aih...i wonder why my mom never said anything about these to my brothers?? just because they are boys and i am a girl? And why is it beauty is always related to girls...i guess sometimes boys have to take good care of their appearance too...

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