Thursday, August 28

Today i got a surprise phonecall from a friend...uda lama bgt ngk ngobrol ama dia....His surprising phonecall ternyata ingin curhat mengenai keadaan nya yang sangat confusing...pas dengar cerita nya...gua ampe bingung..and i told him..."i don't know how to give you advice as i have never been in that kind of situation..."
So he has a big problem in his marriage life..aiya..baru married brp bulan tapi suda kena masalah...selama dengerin dia curhat..gua jadi mikir...kita sebelum ngelakuin apapun bener2 harus mikir dua-tiga kali...terutama keputusan mengenai's a once in a lifetime matter...
First...ask yourself are you ready to get married with that person?
Second Why do you want to get married? For what Reason you say you are ready to get married with this person?
Third ..Are you going to be happy after you get married?
Fourth ...Do you understand the high responsibility of having ur own family?
Yah pokoknya banyak deh yang perlu's not just about being together for years jadi harus married...or karena pressure dari ortu or even because of your own age...well alot of theories have been written on marriage...relationship etc...tapi it's theory..theory does not always work...maka itu menurut gua..whatever you do in a relationship just take it naturally..go with the flow...and yang paling penting be urself..kadang ada saat kita saling ngalah..jangan satu pihak yang ngalah melulu yang satu mau nya menang sendiri.'s not easy to get two people together...pacaran is pacaran..tapi setelah have to learn to accept the other person character..suka ngk suka you have to adapt. Tapi yah as people alway say Love Conquers Every Problem in a Relationship....
But then again...i don't think i am the right person to give a married person advice to their relationship problem..coz first i am not married gua ngk tau rasanya setelah punya keluarga...second...every couple has their own problem..mungkin mirip tapi gimana pun masalah antara dua orang harus diselesaikan ama mereka ber2 dan bukan orang ketiga yang memberi advice...
so to my dear friend....i think the solution to your problem is yourself...dari curhatan elu....u know what you have to do...

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