Thursday, September 18

Dear God...we need rain over here

Pic taken from :
The weather is not too good lately...Another good reason to say i am lazy to work.
My mom said i am weird person...coz i can only work effectively in the office when it is raining outside...kalo lagi musim panas seperti hari ini...gua bener2 malesss bgt...I know if my mom is reading my blog right now...dia pasti nyindiriin gua deh...she will said gua paling banyak alesan...hehehehe
Kapan hari...kepikiran untuk stop blogging...why why??!! coz dengan ada nya blog..gua jadi lebih passive untuk mengungkapkan apa yang ada di otak gua..tend to keep too much things to myself..and sometimes i am just too lazy to think of my own problems...i rather listen to other people problem (which make a kepo...hehehehehe) coz i am afraid that people might think..."aduh jul masalah elu cuma gitu doang...ngapain elu pusingin sih..."
Yah problem may seems small...others might have a bigger problem...contoh yang bagus...baca kan berita kemarin...orang-orang rebutan duit sebesar Rp30,000 untuk biaya hidup mereka...sedangkan gua sore2 pusing mau makan apa yah...ujung2 nya ngk makan malam karena males...makanan yang ada dirumah semuanya gua ngk suka..
Or...ada orang susah nyari kerjaan..gua malah yang complain that i am so fed up working hehehehehe...yah akhirnya...lebih baik diem aja...when u have everything in the world..tetep ngk berasa puas itu namanya ngk tau diri...

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