Monday, September 8

Me and Nia
Sedang berjemuran untuk keringin baju2 yang basah
On our way to Bogor...

And the fun begiiinnsss!!!!!

Finally..setelah berjalan dua jam....ketemu jugaaa

Let me introduced the girls... starting from left...we have Yuvita, Santy (in blue), Vonny (yang sedang bergaya), Yen-Yen (in Black), Nia, Me, Aliana (in orange), Yenny, and Desy

In the middle of the jungle...we are all trying hard to overcome those big stones...cuma untuk mencari waterfall..

We woke up right at 6am..have breakfast..and start our hiking....look at me..and yeni...we are shivering...karena kalo pagi2 cuaca nya dingin

Setalah selesai makan...we hop back to the bus....and went back to the hotel
Pas tengah malam...we got surprised guests....the boys came...unfortunately they came just to have bbq and then they stayed for a while and went back to Jakarta
Yah untung cowok2 datang meramaikan suasana....we played the whole night till 3am!!!! and we have to wake up at 6am the next day to go hiking

Pas nyampe dan setelah cek-in hotel..kita semua kelaparan bgt..akhirnya makan di Rumah Makan Ponyo...well the food was ok..not too good though

sehubungan yang pergi lumayan banyak..dan juga karena tidak ada satu cowok pun yang ikut akhirnya gua dipinjam travelling bus si boss ....

Before the trip started....ini gua baru kelar ngerjaiin laporan gua..pas uda jam 2 siang pas...langsung dipanggil ama teman2 untuk bersiap-siap mulai road trip..foto ini diambil di depan kantor...

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