Thursday, October 30

My Big Family

Kuku Stella is my fav aunt in the world. Maybe because she understands what we youngsters think. She always give us advice and shares her experiences alot with me. We don't meet too often...coz she is based in Singapore...but whenever we meet we do alot of catching up and I am always comfortable to tell her everything about my life....I remember when I was Pri.2...she used to be my math tuition teacher...hahahahha i remember that i was not too good with my math and she got very irritated coz I am so slow in memorizing my multiplication table...

Macau is indeed a very nice place to visit...I would like to go back there again to do more sightseeing.....

Jonathan is my youngest aunt eldest son. He seems to be very small and fragile for his age (He is going to be in 9th Grade next year)...but in fact he is a very mature boy....I like this photo here coz Jonathan is smiling happily to the camera... ^__^

My dad riding the boat to the "Smallworld"

Kuku Stella, Vicky, Ken, Mom and Me

This is the last family dinner at the hotel. It was quite a feast. Dad ordered the 臭豆腐...When the waiter served the 臭豆腐 to the was really smelly....I remember Ming said the 豆腐 smells like armpit. And we were all laughed. Although it smells...but the taste is unbelievably delicious. I have two...and surprisingly Uncle Chris has three...I think he likes 臭豆腐。

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