Monday, November 17

Another Weekend...

Feels like I am in Denny's

The red one is chilli sauce, and the yellow tube is tomato sauce. Kalo di amrik, karena bule2 tidak biasa makan cabe jadi kalo yang merah itu tomato sauce yang kuning adalah mustard sauce..Tempat tissue nya antik...
The Hotshots History

This is what we order..The crispy Hotshot Burger...

The famous air kelapa...i don't know what make this air kelapa famous..mungkin gula nya pas kali yah..ngk terlalu manis dan air kelapa nya terasa...

Otak-otak nya tiada dua nya deh...kenyal, ngk asin..pokoknya pas di mulut jujul ^__^

This is very very yummy!!!

The way i eat my always seperate the peanut sauce from the siomay...This is a MUST!!!...coz i hate peanut sauce...i like peanut but i hate it when peanut become a sauce..(Weir huh)

The place was like this 17years is still like this until now...It's a bit dirty sih..tapi yang penting makanan nya mantep

Another weekend has gone by...Weekend kali ini adalah shop for more baby clothes as my dearest niece is coming out soon...Anyway, weekend kali ini is one of my most memorable weekend juga karena K brought me to a place where I used to eat there when I was a little girl...that place name is BinaTu "AN"... (somehow i pronounce it as bina-tuan)disana tempat makan otak-otak, siomay, dan yang paling penting adalah air kelapa (sebenarnya masih banyak jajanan nya seperti mie juhi, bakso juhi, rujak)...kalo bukan K yang ajak gua rasa gua akan balik ke tempat itu lagi, soalnya bonyok gua berasa tempat itu agak kotor..tapi makanan nya enakkk bgt....
Hari minggu sore..makan di Hotshots...i like the place over there too..karena berasa seperti makan di Denny's usual...i am not a big fan of burger..jadi akhirnya cuma mingle around the fries...Oh yah I met my cousin while eating so we ended up eating together..kita ngobrol banyak tapi tuh anak tanya terus who is with who..and who is getting married..hahahaha i guess he is being pressured to get married soon.
What did I watch : I watch two movies...Max Payne ( I don't like it at all..) and Deception (quite interesting)
Next weekend, I will be doing more baby shopping for my niece...(we have not got a name for her yet...)
Goshhh...I need more weekends...hehehehhe

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