Friday, November 28

Erin W.Jasman

Erin...Welcome to the family yah...

Ini Erin baru keluar....Goshh she is soo tiny....and cute...You know the first time we met Erin, we all cried...Lukas cried because he was did the grandmas...While i was busy taking the videos of the scene...ok..sambil nangis juga karena I felt touched....

Off she went to the operating room....Pas disini...rasanya campur aduk...first we are worried about the operations, but on the other hand happy....
The Grandmas...and the pround parents-to-be ...Early check-in at 4am to the hospital..The room was nice...seperti di hotel lhoo...

Born on 28th of November, 0720 at Thomson Medical Center,
Erin W.Jasman (The first Grandaughter in the PJ family)
Birth Weight: 2.670 kg
Length : 47cm
Head Circumference : 32cm

Welcome Erin.. ^____^ we have been looking forward to meet you..... Ely is doing very well also, and I think she is a very brave woman...very very proud of my sister, and of course my brother, Lukas....He cried when when he first saw the are the moms...while I am busy taking the videos of beautiful Erin...
I will post the photos of baby Erin when I am back in Jakarta yah....Have a nice weekend everyone...


Ace said...


Send my regards for Lukas & Ely yah.
Congratulations for all of you.
Welcome baby Erin to the world..
Now you all become Father, Mother, Aunty, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle.
What a lovely life to spend onwards... hehehe..

Ace said...

Eh lupa Cen. Itu Erin W Jasman. W-nya apa yah? Penasaran.. hehehe..

Unknown said...

Erin Wiranto Jasman,,...hehehehe Wiranto adalah nama keluarga dari Ely....Erin is very cute.......