Sunday, November 2

Over the Weekend

Over the weekend, me and Mr K went for movie and dinner at Pacific Place. We went to watch Eagle Eye, which was quite an interesting movie...Gua agak telmi orang nya..makanya kalo nonton suka tanya the reason or rationale behind the movie...and it was him that will usually do the explaining and I will usually argue back saying that the whole movie does not make any sense...(hehehehe padahal untuk menutupi kebegoaan gue dan telat mikir nya gua makanya jadi adu mulut)
Ok so after the movie....we decided to have dinner at Y&Y...padahal dari dulu udah pengen bgt makan disini...yang ada cuma lewatin akhirnya hari itu kita memberanikan diri untuk mencoba nya....

So the for opening...we ordered Garden Salad with their house dressing..The taste was good..tapi sayur nya agak pahit...pas makan sayur ini jadi inget grocery in amrik..dulu di amrik kalo uda berasa diet nya kurang vegetable suka beli ready-made salad dari supermarket...taste just like this one.....

Next come the pasta dish....Squid Ink spagetthi ...dari dulu gua uda pengen bgt makan ini...tapi ngk pernah kesampeaan...uda dari jaman di LA...rasanya ternyata biasa aja...mie nya agak keras...(i thought it should be Al Dente??) And Cumi nya dikit dan kecil bgttt....the real dish does not match with the pic in the menu....But K finish most of it...

Then Finally came the mushroom pizza...(Thin Crust!!!) yeaa!!!! udah lama ngk makan a real pizza...(I hate Pizza Hut...menurut gua pizza hut is not a real is just a bread covered with tomato sauce and meat..) But this mushroom pizza bener2 enak lho...not cheesy and taste and crust taste just nice...

Sebenarnya...pengen coba dessert nya...but ingat2 lagi diet (Hehehehhe ngk deh...cuma menjaga pola makan yang baik) we decided not to have them....sebenarnya perut gua ama K memang kecil kali you know that most of the meal we have is always one person portion...makanya menurut dia..kita bener2 ngirit..hehehhehehe

A little bit story about matzo....hari ini dia sangat nakal...I told him not to climb up the sofas..but he disobey my words...malah sengaja..dan setelah itu...keep on barking and barking...ternyata apa???? He wants to take a pic of himself seating at the guest sofas...Oww matzo..u are really cute.....hehehhehehe


Ace said...

Cennn.. Lucu banget sih Matzo..
hihihih.. Gayanya itu loh yang ga tahan.. wakakaka... (-Ace-)

PrinCess JuJuL said...

Hehehehe emang dia lucu bgt...tapi berasa ngk sih si matzo uda tua..itu leher nya ampe turun the way matzo bentar lagi mau di kawinin lho ehehehehhe..he found himself a wife...nanti kalo istri nya punya anak katanya mau bagi kita 1....and then we will have a little matzo..