Monday, November 10


Sunday Routine.....Brunch with my parents and siblings...this is a must..yah lama2 uda semacam kebiasaan buat gua juga sih...Actually I really enjoy eating out with my parents coz my dad knows where the delicious food are...Last Sunday we went to Sun City for a dim sum...coz dad said he has been craving for the Macau Chong Fun...Setelah dim sum, they dropped me at PI...and then I met with K. We went to PRJ to see the Japanese Expo...It was very crowded and there are alot of people wearing weird costumes ( i think they are imitating the anime character). Actually I wanted to see the 3D Shinkanshen...tapi ngantri nya panjang bgt..akhirnya ngk jadi kita cuma muter2 doang...But the expo has alot of interesting stuffs to see...yah ngk sia2 deh jauh ke PRJ....
Setelah ke PRJ ...balik lagi ke PI sekalian lewatin tempat2 dimana K grew up...ternyata that's the place where my mom grew up too...Mundar mandir di PI sambil nunguin F selesai gereja karena dia janji mau ajak kita for a small cuisine tour...pertama di ajak makan Bakmi Akiaw..(Which i didn't touch it all karena bau sapii bgt) Next, nyari bakpao di Jalan Gajah Mada..tapi ngk ketemu...terus stop by di satu tempat jualan Tahu Pong Semarang (nyokap bilang saus nya enak bgt) Setelah itu off we go to Ragusa makan Es Krim.....
Ice cream nya enak sih karena dia home-made with all the fresh ingredients...terus ngk berat ....mungkin susu nya ngk banyak kali yah..
Tempat nya sangat antik...kayak jaman dulu...Kata F and K tempat ini tidak berubah sama sekali....F said di depan sebenarnya jual banyak makanan seperti Rujak Juhi, Otak2...tapi sayangnya..pas kita datang uda malam bgt.....So in conclusion Sunday was fun...Thanks to K mau temenin gua ke PRJ and ajak gua keliling (maklum gua anak rumah soalnya hehehehe)

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