Friday, December 19

The Christmas Mood

Haiyaaaa....there is no christmas mood at all over here...But I am planning to make something special for my best friends this Christmas...and really hopes that will like it.
Due to the fact that the whole world is going through economic downturn...this year we did not received holiday hampers...Well we received one last week, and that's it.
If i have my own house later (maybe in two year time....cepetan pak bobos bantu design rumah nya donggg) I will have it decorate with all the christmas stuffs, lighting..hahahaha I will be competing with my neighbors for decorations...
Inspirations for christmas decor will come from Martha Stewart !!!!
Oh yah sebenarnya kemarin malam gua lagi pengen nge-blog about something...tapi ngk tau cara mengungkapkan nya is something related to forgotten memories...
I think my brain is really playing at me...sering kali gua tuh tiba2 kepikiran masa lalu...sometimes the good and the bad..tapi ngk bisa keingat semua nya..cuma seperti cuplikan pendek..abis itu hilang semua nya..mau ingat balik lagi udah blank... Napa yah bisa begini?? Apa gara2 gua sendiri memang sudah tidak mau ingetin masa lalu gua? Weird...


vicky said...

no Christmas mood?? so sad! you should come back to the States and enjoy some real Christmas cheer... even with the miserable economic times.

Christmas is in a week!! (= (=

PrinCess JuJuL said...

Hi Vicky !!!
Well that will be my Christmas wish list...I would really be happy if I can go back to SF for a short Christmas Holidays...
By the way did you see Erin's pic?? She is really very cute huh?
Lukas is going to hold a cocktail party to celebrate her 1 month old..We really wish you and the family are there...Maybe Chinese new year?? Or..After Ken get his green card..