Thursday, January 1

Dear Readers......


My New Year Resolution:
  1. To love myself more ( Coz I feel that I am not taking good care of myself)
  2. To love my family more....
  3. To to be more patient (terutama di tahun 2009 beban pekerjaan gua double up, tanggung jawab gua juga menambah...untuk hadapi ini semua gua harus belajar untuk lebih besabar)
  4. To take care of my own health (This is a mUST)
  5. To listen when others are talking (Stop making assumption...listen and not interrupting)
  6. To feel content in what God has given to me (Stop complaining)
  7. To accept other people weaknesses ( there is no human who is perfect...I am not perfect either)
  8. To travel ( I have to learn to relax and pamper myself more...stop pressurizing myself ---I am considering of going for the Eastern Europe trip with Aunt Stella in June)
  9. To learn to be more organized
  10. Save money.... (I am very bad in saving up money.....)

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