Thursday, January 29

Girls' Talk

I have a girl's talk session with my aunt stella on tuesday night at Ding Dai Fung..and truthfully speaking, I am glad I have an aunt who at least can understand what we youngsters think and she is able to give us an advice not from the parents' point of view, but from a person who has the same understanding and age with us.
Whenever I meet my kuku, one thing that she will ask me is --- How are you doing with your work and love life? I think she is more concern about my love life though hehehehehe coz I guess I am her niece, and I am a girl and she really cares about whom I go out with and who will be my future partner. And I really appreciate that alot, coz my parents will not ask me anything about it.
And my kuku shares a lot of her own experiences and thoughts with me too, which usually ended up with me asking myself a lot of questions about my own situation. Which is also very good, coz I am giving myself more thoughts to certain subjects in my life, which i usually don't do that if no one "light up the fire" first.
So ended up, the question of the day -- when are you getting married? answer for that --- I have no idea at all, God has not given any answer to me either. I think it's not because I am not ready, but I guess the timing is not right. I always believe everything is planned by God. If it is meant to will be meant to be....otherwise what is not yours it will not be yours....when the time is right, things will go as it is....when the timing is wrong, things will fall apart...

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