Wednesday, February 4

25 facts about me

Well I got tagged on "25 facts about me" by my cousin, Yulian in facebook, I guess I have to continue on the traditions as requested by here we go with JuJuL
  1. I was named after the Queen of Netherland - (her full name was : Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina). It happens that she came to Indonesia for a friendly visit on the day I was born.
  2. People said I am daddy's fav daughter...well Duh...of course that is so true because my dad has only one daughter.
  3. What should be more amazing is that I am the only granddaughter that carries the JASMAN name.
  4. I am the shortest among my cousins and brothers. They are all at least 178cm and the tallest is 196cm.
  5. My blood pressure is so low that I almost fainted all the time especially when I am having my PMS.
  6. My dream is to become a culinary artist. I don't think I am going to realize that dream though..but i am still hoping for it to come true
  7. However, I believe that I may ended up cooking and baking for my future husband and children. How lucky they are hahahahaha..
  8. I am obsessed with kitchen interior design. I have in mind what my dream kitchen will be n will be spending most of time there baking.....
  9. I am proud to be a Gemini....because i think geminis are cool, charming, creative,outgoing....
  10. I always wanted to grow long hair, and still trying to do so till today. I won't cut my hair till it reach shoulder-length.
  11. I can spend the whole day at a spa center...massage is my fav part of the spa session.
  12. I have difficulities in saying NO to people when they come to me for help.
  13. I am a dog lover. Currently there are three dogs in my house (a beagle, a bulldog, and a rottweller) I am planning to get three more when i move in to my new house ( a daschund, a jack russel and a labrador retriever)
  14. I have been involved in a bad car accident. The girl who hit me is a mexican teenager and she was so scared when the accident took place and she ran away. Her dad almost filed a lawsuit at me because he claimed I have make his life difficult as he had no car to drive to work. Of course we did not ended up in court, and the dad actually realized this matter was his daughter's fault.
  15. Thanks to that accident, I actually got my bone fractured in my chest. I have to spend one night alone in an Emergency to get a check-up. The doctor said the bone will heal by itself. Til today, i still can feel the pain in my chest ..not all the time though.
  16. And thanks to that accident, till today I am so afraid of driving and told myself that I am not going to drive again EVER...
  17. Hate my major - ACCOUNTING & FINANCE....ironically I am actually working in this area..and totally hate it...
  18. I was a chubby girl. Then I got sick badly and loose a lot of weight. After that I thought having a slim body increase my self-confidence and ended up swimming everyday for 50 lapse,and manage to slim down to my normal weight.
  19. Then I was sent to USA to study, did not get used to the life over there, eventually i loose more weight..The lowest was 40kg. And I was badly underweight and got my mom so worried. But now I am maintaning my healthy weight and appreciate what I am now.
  20. I gave up my A-levels (but I manage to finish my Chinese A-level) and dropout from Anderson Junior College and went San Fransisco for further study. I did not regret making that drop-out decision.
  21. When I was 6 years old, my parents sent me off to Singapore to study. I felt so stressed out and totally hate school because I can't understand what my classmates and teachers were talking about for the first two years in my primary school. Totally Sucks..
  22. I am planning to visit all the countries in the world, and hope to have it done before I die.
  23. I have always believe that it should be guys proposing marriage to girls and not the other way round even though nowadays we are talking about equality between sexes.
  24. I am thinking of learning photography, but I don't have the time for it now.
  25. There are more than 25 facts about jujul...and I can't write them all here.


vicky said...

#1 - You're named after a queen too??? So are the 3 of us!! That's way cool!
#2 - HAHAHAHAHAAA... duh.
#3 - that's true! How crazy that there are that many Jasman boys. Well, Erin has a Jasman last name now, but you're the only one in our generation with a Jasman last name!
#18: We all thought Yun was lying when he said that you were sick, which was why you were so skinny. We thought that you starved yourself because you didn't want to be chubby anymore. You were so cute when you were little. (=
#24: I want to learn photography too. d=

I loved getting to know you better!

PrinCess JuJuL said...

hey should do this "25 facts about me" and give it to ken for his valentine present case there are something that he don't know...
about the accident, i didn't tell your parents because i was afraid that they will tell my parents, and my parents would ended up getting worried.'s over and I am so sure that I am never going to drive again

Ace said...

Cen banget sih isinya..

Oh iya Cen, I was having the same thought with Vicky. I thought you went on a diet, so when you returned to Indo (before you went to Illinois), you were so skinny.