Over the weekend I met up with a lot of people...very overwhelmed, but I am very happy coz the people that I met up with are very very friendly and nice. One thing that impressed me most is that these people know that I am a stranger and they tried their best effort to make sure i feel comfortable and feel that I belong to them. ^_____^
Sometimes when u meet a group of people you tend to feel out of place, berasa "new", ngk nyambung karena mereka semua ada common topic, whereas the newcomer tend to be quite coz she did not know what they are talking about. I always feel like that when I am in a large crowd..walaupun kadang uda kenal2 juga ama orang2 nya. Hehehehhe ngk tau kenapa..feel more comfy aja kalo ngumpul nya in a smaller crowd..with people i am really familiar with.
Ini bukan masalah gaul or tidak gaul..atau masalah nyambung atau tidak nyambung deh..lebih seperti berasa feeling "secure" or not. Kalo masalah nyambung...gua ama siapa aja juga bisa nyambungin...gaul? teman banyak tapi berapa dari mereka yang bisa buat gua feel secure? Not a lot though...
Not only friends lho...kadang2 ngumpul keluarga besar saja...bisa berasa tidak nyaman...heheheheh paling takut di tanya macem2..terus salah jawab lagi..waduh bisa parah dan urusan jadi panjang..atau bisa jadi "topic of the year" in the family"
Lately, I am also thinking alot of my future...something that I don't usually do karena i have always believe that since i am leading my own life alone, tingal jalanin aja what it is now. Ngk usa mikir jauh2...but now i think i really need to think coz i know what i want in the future. Jadi untuk jalan ke arah sana banyak harus di buat planning nya..di pikirkan..dan it's not me alone anymore..it's not about ME but it's about US
hehehe.. I believe something or should I said "someone" has changed your mind? wekeke.
Should I assume that I'll hear the good news? hehehe..
Good news apa nih ce?
Hahihehoooo heheheheh terus ...apaan good news nya??
Maybe it's about your wedding day I guess...
Hahahhaha penasaran nih yehhh...aceee apaan sih weekkkkk wedding day?? I won't be announcing it over here kali yah...ada juga gua akan kasi tau elu lewat telp dulu
I read it from your blog in "What is What is not"..I think you're planning something, right ?
From..the way you write it's not about ME but US..clearly both of you "trying" to plan something..with I assume can be your wedding..coz it's involves your "future" and "US".
Hmmm...love it to be Scorpio man..very good on analyzing something...wakakakakakak...
I guess Ace said it from the way you write..and me too..Clear, Princess ???
hahahahhaha Absolutely WRONG....oh yah pasti dong apapun yang akan dilakukan kedepan bukan hanya untuk gua sendiri...I don't live in this world alone...i have someone whom i care alot
about wedding....mau tauu aja...
Waduh...sudah pede salah lagi gue...nasib....nasib......
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