Wednesday, April 27

If I am not pregnant

If I am not pregnant...
  1. I want fresh sashimi!!
  2. Fresh oyster
  3. A glass of cold white wine
  4. Smoked Salmon for breakfast
  5. Half boiled egg dipped with toasted bread
  6. Wanna go to SF and stop by Sixflag and play all the rides
  7. I want to shop for new clothes.
  8. Wear heels
  9. Carry around my niece
  10. Will have more energy to do more things at the same time
Well, I surely miss a lot of things, but I feel time passes by so quick and hope that I am still in my first trimester (minus off the throwing part).

Ever since I am married, I realized that I seldom have time for myself. It's all about the two house, pregnancy, and a bits of work. More responsibility, but I am enjoying my time as a wife, working woman and mom-to-be...and I am thankful that my parents at least understand my situation now and my mom has been helping me a lot in building the new house and dad has taken off some of my work responsibility off my shoulder for now. Of course, I hope I will be back active working in BT and at the same time enjoying motherhood and wifehood.

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