Saturday, August 2

A Chocolourful World...

Box of chocolates from Bouchon Bakery in New York City. Photograph taken by Robyn Lee.
February in Hershey
Posted by Emily Stone, January 30, 2008 at 10:15 AM
For Convenient Chocolate Shavings, Try Chocolate Pencils
Posted by Robyn Lee, February 27, 2008 at 10:45 AM
Photograph courtesy of Peter Costantinidis taken from
Patchi Chocolate taken from

Yo!! Akhirnya hujan juga nih...kalo uda hujan berasa tenang bgt. Hari ini seharian tugas diluar kantor...hehehhe yaitu pergi belanja dengan Ci Ribka, Nana dan Dera. Belanja untuk alat-alat display di cocoa house. Capek cuma sangat senang karena sambil jalan-jalan...daripada mati gaya di kantor melulu...otak uda mau rontok. Hari ini hasil belanja lumayan karena dapat semua yang kita inginkan.
Setelah belanja pas on the way home ditelp ama boss..akhirnya makan late lunch with the boss, my mom, Mr Yopie, Ci Ribka, Nana and Dera...kita makan di Pondok Kemanggi. Makanan nya yah lumayan deh, ngk mahal dan sambel nya gratis. Tadi pikirnya setelah makan mau ke salon di country club creambath karena gua udah lama bgttt ngk ke salon and pamper myself....ehh malah di ajak ke toko furniture ama si boss. yah udah deh temenin dia sampe sore baru pulang...capek juga sih...So this is how I spend my saturday...ngk keluar karena udah keluar seharian dari pagi sampe sore. Terus yah dipikir weekend selalu keluar melulu jarang bgt saturday nongkrong di rumah temenin ortu...Intinya gua ngk mau satu hari menyesal karena kurang spend times with my dearest parents.
Terus terang ini Cocoa house bisa jadi sukses apa ngk gua masih agak ragu nih...banyak yang harus kita do research terutama di tempering cocoa liquor nya...Erlita sih lg nyari akal juga...but i guess it is going to be running well as long as everyone in the project team bisa kerjasama dan mau chip in. So far menurut gua sih project team nya masih yah get along...walaupun seringkali beda pendapat...tapi yah gimana since the project team come from two different working background pasti ada pola pikiran yang berbeda bgt. Tapi pada intinya kita semua punya tujuan yang sama yaitu to make this cocoa house operate smoothly. Doaiin yah s emuanya agar project team kita bisa sukses membuat the first cocoa house in Indonesia. Oh yah untuk yang penasaran kenapa di pangil nya cocoa house and not chocolate house karena semua barang yang ada di cocoa house is purely made from cocoa liquor and cocoa butter. Nah cocoa liquor ituh sebenarnya seperti 100% dark chocolate. Cocoa liquor is made from roasted and fine grinded cocoa nibs. Cocoa butter adalah hasil dari cocoa liquor yang sudah di press (peres)...Nanti cocoa liquor can directly consumed while cocoa butter is mainly for beauty purposes. Kayaknya jujul jelasin pasti kurang jelas's ok..hehehhee Miss Google to the rescue...
Cocoa liquor is when the cocoa beans are ground into a paste. The term "cocoa liquor" is used to describe finely ground cocoa beans. During grinding, the mill gets hot and the ground cocoa beans become very fine in particle size and the cocoa butter becomes liquid; in short the finely ground cocoa beans are liquid when they exit the mill. When cocoa liquor is cooled and becomes solid, it is the same as unsweetened baking chocolate. This should not be confused with chocolate liqueur which is an alcoholic beverage. Cocoa liquor has no alcoholic content.Cocoa liquor is one of the key components of chocolate. The most cocoa liquor is contained in dark chocolate with high content of cocoa products.
Cocoa butter is the natural fat extracted from the cacao bean. Also known as oil of theobroma, cocoa butter is slightly yellowish in color, and while it is extracted from
chocolate, it has a bland taste and only a faint chocolate smell. It is edible and is used in making white chocolate and certain confections, but has many uses beyond the kitchen.
The most desirable quality of cocoa butter is its stability as a fat containing natural
antioxidants that also preserve it well. Cocoa butter has a melting point just below average body temperature, which is what causes chocolate to remain solid at room temperature, but melt in the mouth. It gives a smooth texture to many confections containing chocolate and is often used by culinary experts in a baking capacity.
Cocoa butter is also used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. In the pharmaceutical industry, cocoa butter is used in the making of suppositories and oral medications in capsule form. It has the ability to retain a molded shape while containing commonly used medicinal chemicals without unstable reactions. The use of cocoa butter as an inactive ingredient in capsules and suppositories is equally desirable because it is safe.
Cocoa butter is often found as an additive to cosmetics, shampoos and soaps, but it is also a natural
emollient making it ideal for lotions and lip balms. The moisturizing abilities of cocoa butter are frequently recommended for prevention of stretch marks in pregnant women, treatment of chapped skin and lips, and as a daily moisturizer to prevent dry, itchy skin. The fact that is a natural preservative and has a faintly pleasant aroma further lends benefits to its cosmetic uses.
Though many believe that cocoa butter has the ability to reduce or diminish the appearance of scars, this is a
theory that is yet unproven. It does however, promote elasticity in the skin and will aid in the healing of chapped skin if it is used regularly. Cocoa butter is often mistakenly used by people to expedite a suntan and while it will enhance a natural tan, it does not have a sun protection factor (SPF). To prevent the harmful effects of the sun, use a suntan lotion with an SPF of at least 15 that contains cocoa butter.

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