Tuesday, December 30

Erin 1st Month Old

It's Erin first month old party.....Tau ngk yang paling excited about this event is who??? It's Lukas...dari beberapa hari sebelumnya uda sibuk nyari catering, gift box, who to invite list...Salute gua ama lukas. Me and my dad was also very excited. Pagi2 gua uda bangung nyari Erin dulu...liat dia di mandiin air bunga terus di gunting sedikit rambut nya (I don't know what's that for---but the Confinement lady said it's for wishing Erin to grow up to become a good person) After the flower bath, kado2 dari temen2 dan keluarga di keluarin....Erin got a lot of present....seumur hidup gua ngk pernah liat kado sebanyak itu...Ely sampe puyeng liat kado nya juga bingung mau taruh dimana.
The Grand-Pa... Gua isengin si bokap...abis seharian ngomongin kerjaan terus ama gua...langsung gua tugasin dia gendongin cucu nya aja...langsung si bokap diam seribu kata...liatin Erin tidur My Aunt Stella and Erin

The proud and glowing mum....
Erin and Valent


vicky said...

Were a lot of the relatives there? Like Po Po? The parents look so happy! (= I'm jealous that even Lun went to celebrate... .V." but I'm glad you got to spend some time with them.

PrinCess JuJuL said...

Yupp everyone are there Ying...You know Lun is claiming himself to be the Godfather of Erin???!!! Well of course Erin's parent do not agree to that...hahahaha