Sunday, January 25

CNY Eve Dinner @ Aunt stella House

Hi Everyone, Greetings from the Jasman Family --- We hope everyone have a good New Year's Eve Dinner....I was wondering what other family are having for their dinner...for us, it was a one dish meal...

盆菜 which consists of Abalone, Scallop, Sea Urchin, Pork Leg, Chicken, 发菜 (black moss), Fish Maw, Taro, Duck, Vegetables, Dried Oyster...Guess how much this dish cost? SGD500. But this is the only food that we ate for the dinner and it was really very fulfulling. Everyone really enjoy the food. It was simple but we love it.

Cold platter - Duck, Cha Siew, Chicken, Octopus, Sea Jelly, Tofu, Duck Leg and wings...

金鱼年糕 with gold paper

So do you think we like the food??? --- Pic prove everything...hehehehhe there was none left

The Happy Sweet Family

Me and Aunt Stella

The First Generation, Second Generation. Third Generation and the FOurth Generation

Happy Chinese New Year everyone -- Especially to Uncle Chris, Aunt Siu Ling, Vicky & Ken, Liz and Cathy...we wish you all are here with us....

For more pic, click me


vicky said...

Everyone's been telling us that Ken and I have to hand out red pockets this year cuz we're married... but we won't have to hand out when we have kids? Wow, what differences in Chinese culture!

新年快樂﹗恭喜發財﹗We miss you guys...

PrinCess JuJuL said...

No..u don't have to give them now because you don't have kids yet. When you have kids, then you have to give ang pow.